CCR 110: The Geocentric Principle with Rick DeLano
Good podcast featuring a guest who says flat earth is a psyop made especially for his geocentric movie back in the fall of 2014.
So which is it? I tend to think this geocentrist, who believes in satellites and other hoaxes, is actually trying to obscure any flat earth potential truths.
ARE YOU AND I INSIGNIFICANT PRODUCTS OF TIME + MATTER + CHANCE IN THIS EVER EXPANDING UNIVERSE? Are we just meaningless flesh bags in a world that cares not about human purpose or destiny? Is the future miserable? Or are these ideas a product of bad theories built on faulty premises that ignore the raw data we have about the universe? I
* Duration: 1:55h, Played: 1:36h
* Published: 2016-09-02 1:11:05 PM
* Episode Download Link (54 MB):
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* Episode Feed: Canary Cry Radio –