Simon speaks to me (directly or figuratively) in his latest essay on the Flat Earth surge on youtube and other places.
KHam 41 recently laid out the whole reason I respect Simon, Hoi, and – the concise, clear, and definitive September Clues Tour Guide, which to me is the final answer on 9/11.
I have the personality to fall into all rabbit holes, it seems. I DO have the ability to climb out of most of them. Is Simon telling me I’ve fallen into a giant, NASA Flat Earth rabbit (moon) crater? If so, I’ll be happy to climb out.
The main thing I have learned in this fakeologist journey is that the this is a battle for the human mind. A real science is involved in influencing and leading human beings at all times. Just knowing this fact is 50% of the battle, the other 50% is trying to escape its clutches.
I think it is high time for us to react / address and call out the current, escalating yet all-too-transparent “DBA-strategy” (Discredit By Association) adopted by NASA’s propaganda dept – clearly designed for damage control: NASA has by now been roundly exposed as a total fraud – and, of course, they weren’t going to just sit back and let a growing number of honest / legitimate grass-root researchers “lead” the fledgling ‘NASA truth movement’ (for lack of a better term – *sigh*) and tranquilly diffuse their findings to the general public – in any sort of snowballing / or unimpeded fashion.What NASA has rolled out is a carefully planned and coordinated, ‘viral’ DBA / co-opting campaign centered on the ‘Flat Earth’ meme and – I will hastily add – (with respect to those who may honestly entertain alternative cosmic models of their own) this fact should be clear as day to anyone, regardless of whether you reckon we live on a globe, a cube, a pancake or a Wiener würstel. The point being, it is by now painfully obvious that the objective of this NASA-campaign is to associate & equate (in the general public’s psyche) anyone questioning NASA to mentally challenged / raving crackpots:
Simon raises some good points about the fact most “flat earth” theorist’s are attacking NASA and that some of the gatekeepers could be beneficial for NASA as distractions and discredit genuine researchers by means of guilt by association.
however, none of this critique brings us closer to what is at stake: the shape of the earth.
the ‘modus oparandi’ of the PRC is to misguide us by every means possible. we don’t know what all the fakery is proof of, and we are mostly forced to speculate and theorize on our own. this is easier with media events than with science, but if we dare not open our minds, no insight will be gained. so we must be courageous enough to speculate and open our perspective at the risk of being wrong, otherwise we will self-censure and stay in another box, even be it a Cluesforum box.
the shape of the earth is not as we are told it is, which is no surprise. as the the core construct of our reality, the earth is nevertheless a subject we should all be interested in, and well worth stepping out of a box or two, even at the price of ridicule.
if someone believes we are not ridiculisez by the normal citizen, just try out “no planes” or “no nuclear bombs” and you’ll get for your moneys worth, even loose a friend or two. we are already outside any box a normal person would be confortable with. no need to wait for the “flat earth” to be discredited by anyone and everyone.