Potato Steereing us into the Woods

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I don’t mind saying that it’s starting to look like Simon is right with his discredit by association theory.

Here we have sultry smooth talker interviewing an otherwise intelligent engineer, while referencing Simon Shack and the cluesforum.info forum, describing them as a limited hang out. Intelligent engineer then goes on to say how impressed he is with Judy Wood’s assessment of how the World Trade Center was taken down with not a word of discussion on media fakery.

Now we have Matrix Decoded, Brian the engineer, and David Weiss all firmly in the Judy Woods camp while promoting the flat earth.

Is this all a program to marginalize and help bury media fakery and September Clues? If so, it’s quite the subtle yet expanding operation.


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9 years ago

To be very honest, the flabbery, flab Flat Earth theorie did something very positive to me: forced me to rethink the whole “ball” earth theorie all over again and it started to raise the necessary questions. So was is left. The same feelings as some others who are/have listening or reading the several posts. Position 0.0 . What first seemed to be secured, is no security anymore. What is the real reality? I don’t know. Nasa and USAF must have a lot of knowledge. They have/had the “spyplanes” U2, SR71 etc. So here is the info stored and what are they willing to give free? For me the question, they the knowing.

9 years ago
Reply to  Curious


You could have learned the same thing here, at fakeologist.com. If you went back into the history here, you will see that on nearly every point, fakeologist.com has said it first. We have stated the exact same NASA lies as any flat earth video with the exception of just a few new pieces of information, less than 5. We are being monitored and copied, as Hoi Palloi has points out, from Clues Forum. You didn’t need a flat earth video to learn what we already know here.

And if we didn’t know a thing at the time, like the curvature thing, we would have caught on eventually, thanks to forums like CluesForum.

9 years ago

> forced me to rethink the whole “ball” earth theorie all over again

That seems to be a main purpose of the flat earth: to stop “conspiracy theorists” thinking and talking about dangerous topics like politics (9/11 fakery for the war on terror, Sandy Hook fakery for gun control, etc) and switch to whether the earth is flat, concave, a “ball”, spinning, not spinning, etc.

9 years ago

For those who do not wish to waste (like I just did) 30min+ of their precious lives trying to find the point where Hot-Potato-Girl mentions Cluesforum, it is to be found at about 1:19:40 of that Youtube video.

Her two brief Cluesforum “hit-piece” quotes:

1: “But ..uh…if you go to see…uh…Cluesforum and Simon Shack, they really rip her [Judy Wood] apart there…(etc)”

2: “But…uh…it’s a…you know…Matrix Decode put it very well..uh..about Cluesforum, he said its a – quote-“limited hangout” – unquote.”

Ab, thanks for seemingly waking up to this ongoing DBA scheme – but may I kindly ask you to – next time – please do what I just did, i.e. PROVIDING THE TIMELINE of the relevant video section that you are referring to?


9 years ago


It was exactly fakeologist.com who brought this subject up, with the necessary reactions.

9 years ago


as the list of contrived “truthers” in the flat earth mouvement grows longer, it becomes clear that Cluesforum might be the major target for the controlled opposition. the front figures and lifetime actors leading the flat earth mouvement sure will make the subject stick to us like a shackle, much like the “no-planer” meme was made for cornering the most ardent 9/11 movement.

although i’m still convinced the subject of the earth’s shape is a valid discussion, it appears we’ve still given a stick to be beaten with by promoting the questionnable entities leading the ‘flat’ youtube mouvement.

9 years ago

Wait… flat earth theory is promoted solely to discredit Simon Shack and clues forum? What am i missing? Oh yeah, i am missing discernment… which is very necessary. I think the overwhelming theme that crosses all areas of “conspiracy” is that we can never be allowed to arrive at a consensus and we can never be certain we possess any true knowledge… that is reserved for the elite. Evidence for that is in our indoctrination system otherwise known as education… we don’t even know what we think we know.

As far as Jew-D Woods/Holey Wood goes… directed energy weapons are simply a metaphor for the power of directed intent… it is illusion. But, here i am explaining the occult nature of this to Fakeologists… silly me.

9 years ago
Reply to  wanda


It may seems incredulous that cointelpro’s would bother with little ol’ Clues Forum. But if you hang around here long enough, you will notice that certain cointelpro campaigns have many elements that mimic people at Clues Forum and ideas coming out of Clues Forum.

For example, why would Mark Sargent name his flat earth series “Flat Earth Clues” ? Patricia Steer-you-the-wrong-way has been tweeting the phrase “Flat Earth Clues” all over the place, and sounding crazy doing it.

September Clues is THE research that busted 911 and therefore media fakery wide open. Of course they would be a target by the cointelpro. The whole idea of a flat earth in the general public is so repulsive, so seemingly ignorant, that attaching the word ‘clues’ to it is an attempt to attach crazy to September Clues.

Just like Hoi Palloi says, observe and imitate, that is the cointelpro gig.

Tom Dalpra
Tom Dalpra
9 years ago
Reply to  khammad

Who is Hoi Palloi K ? You often refer to them.

Similarly, I noticed you calling Jeranism, Jaranism the other day.
Is this some kind of dyslexic quirk you have with vowels in proper names, or is it code?

🙂 no big deal, I just thought I’d mention it, what with Hoi Polloi being a respected figure around here and all.

9 years ago
Reply to  Tom Dalpra

Sorry Hoi.

9 years ago
Reply to  khammad

It may seems incredulous that cointelpro’s would bother with little ol’ Clues Forum. But if you hang around here long enough, you will notice that certain cointelpro campaigns have many elements that mimic people at Clues Forum and ideas coming out of Clues Forum.

No, that does not seem incredulous and that is not what i am referring to. You say it yourself, “certain” co-intel campaigns mimic Clues Forum… so, why paint with the broad brush? It is a tad myopic to assert that Sargent’s motive is to discredit Simon Shack Clues Forum when it is quite evident the crux of his campaign is to reinforce the bible meme. A vast majority of FE information endeavors to establish the bible as the go to authority while overlooking the fact that up to 500 years ago, everyone thought the earth was flat. Very few FE proponents even mention 9-11.

For example, why would Mark Sargent name his flat earth series “Flat Earth Clues” ? Patricia Steer-you-the-wrong-way has been tweeting the phrase “Flat Earth Clues”

That is hardly surprising… Mark Sargent is a Freemason. Patricia Steer, like Mark, has an occult name. Latin for father is Patri – from Patri we get Patriotism – which is worship of a father figure, and Steer, which is to navigate or govern. Sargent and Steer are simply doing their doody… guiding people back around into the government sanctioned programs. The word CLUES, in and of itself, is fairly generic and would it make any kind of sense for Patricia Steer to call it what it isn’t in her tweets?

September Clues is THE research that busted 911 and therefore media fakery wide open. Of course they would be a target by the cointelpro.

September Clues is the quintessential body of knowledge for anyone researching 9-11. There is no doubt the powers that be are employing numerous tactics to suppress that, but it does not follow that flat earth theory was crafted to discredit Simon Shack and Clues Forum… it takes too wild a leap of imagination to arrive at that conclusion. There is a lot riding on the ball that knocks quite a few of their boats out of the water… Alien Jesus One World Religion… the continued mining of space for our gold… and the ever present fear mongering of a threat so horrifying only God and Government can save us from, to name just a few.

The whole idea of a flat earth in the general public is so repulsive, so seemingly ignorant, that attaching the word ‘clues’ to it is an attempt to attach crazy to September Clues.

Aha… and now we are a the crux of the matter. Why is it proponents of GLOBAL SPIN lose all objectivity and defend their position like a religion? People who, up until now, were able to argue in a coherent and logical manner and explain themselves six ways from Sunday now resort to name calling, wild assertions and laundry lists of logical fallacy. We all know how people behave when they have no real argument… and you’re doing it… you are behaving exactly that way.

The larger question is why is Flat Earth such a sacred cow?

9 years ago
Reply to  wanda

No, not sacred cow. The flat earth debate is more along the lines of Dallas Goldbuggery.

9 years ago
Reply to  khammad

That would be true only if we didn’t see it everywhere. And we do see it everywhere. The children know the grown ups are injuring them. They can see things, they figure things out… and they do talk amongst themselves. They feel betrayed and they are perplexed.

Terran Downvale
Terran Downvale
9 years ago

Guys, either this is the craziest synchronicity ever or there’s something going on here. As soon as I saw this “Brian the engineer’s” face, I thought of the character Lazlo Hollyfeld from the 1985 movie Real Genius. Take a look at the guy and listen to what he says in this scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoT-h0S1gkE

Terran Downvale
Terran Downvale
9 years ago

Just adding a photo to go with my previous post. Watch this video clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoT-h0S1gkE

Terran Downvale
Terran Downvale
9 years ago
Reply to  ab

My point is this Brian guy looks like Lazlo’s long-lost twin and they both happen to be talking about directed energy space weapons. It just makes me wonder if this was an inside joke or if this guy is even a Sim, CGI mask or whatever. The redhead looks a little uncanny to me as well.

Terran Downvale
Terran Downvale
9 years ago
Reply to  ab

That’s cool. I guess it must just be a synchronicity in my own personal reality bubble then. It’s just odd that it was only the guy’s physical resemblance to the actor/character that caused me to look him up, and in the only clip I could find on Youtube featuring that character, he just happens to be talking about directed energy space weapons! The clip also mentions “engineers” and we hear Brian say at the beginning of his interview that he only took two physics courses (the movie is about a bunch of physics students).

And as opposed to Goldbug, I’m not saying that actor is actually playing Brian. I’m just saying they might have picked a guy who resembles him to play the role of “Brian” or they’re using some CGI masking tech to make a joke, which is something they like to do. That movie was kind of a geek cult classic that might have appealed to the kinds of geeks who write these psyop narratives today. But again, it could all just be a synchronicity that I’m tapping into, custom-made by “the universe” just for me.

9 years ago
Reply to  ab

Well, Ab, if there’s someplace we are going to look for these characters (like 9/11’s Mark Walsh, Gary Welz, etc.) it is either in the B-class actors pool or the Sim community.

9 years ago
Reply to  ab

On the concept of cgi “masks” as you put it.

That is perhaps the most expensive thing in the entire tech industry to do well, and even given the most ideal situations, it looks real for about 10 seconds at best.

I read this alot on this forum, and one thing is compositing a plane onto video (a still frame of a real object) but turning a face into something it isnt is not as trivial or even in the same ballpark.

The very best example i can think if is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLiX5d3rC6o and that took an entir studio the better part of a year for a few minutes (and it still looks fake when u know what to look at)

so what you are left with is facial replacement with a diffrent actor or splicing of several shot under similar conditions in almost same pose (hard but doable, but expensive even for 2 minute segments).

I can get behind this dallas goldbugerring thing with maybe serena williams being a man, but arguing on basis of “i cant tell so must be CGI” is rediculus and hurts everyones credibility.

This was in no way an attack at you Terran, just something ive noticed alot of ppl cling to or use as a strawman in fakery circles.


9 years ago

This ball of yarn appears to be unraveling. I watched the interview Patty did with David Weiss and I could tell in the first minute that she had prior experience in radio. Sure enough, she later says in that show that she was a radio DJ. That helps explain the fancy microphone and jukebox, and her professional cadence. I found it interesting that they hit on all the major topics, 9/11, holocaust, Sandy Hook, Boston, etc. yet nothing I heard was new, not one source was cited except various YouTubers, and the conversation was superficial at best. Yet they purport to go “deep”, deep inside the rabbit hole. This rabbit hole meme is worn out. It’s already gathering mold in the garbage can.

9 years ago

I notice that Hot Potato Girl has had Dave Murphy – dmurphy25 – on her show, who also “stumbled” across flat earth quite recently. Dave tells us that he turned down a job with Lehmann Brothers on the 40th floor of WTC 1 a month before 9/11.
From about 2:00

He’s vague about everything else, before and after.
“somebody said they saw a plane hit the first tower….we watched it, the whole thing”
He’s also been on John le Bon’s BESR

More vague info here:

Any other Lehmann stories out there? Why yes…
Guy Kulman was in his second day at Lehmann Brothers – but he didn’t work on the 40th floor [which was probably empty anyway] and he saw the second fireball…and his phone was working so he was ringing around like crazy…

9 years ago

When you look at this video, knowing what we know now, you come to realize what two nasty conniving and dissembling pieces of work we have on our hands here. CIA payroll, I’m telling you.

BTW, if it is worth anything, you can take an amateur astronomer’s word for it that that telescope in the background, is one crappy piece of kit. Basically, it is just a prop to fool the layman. Nice try, Brian.

9 years ago
Reply to  rgos

Flat earth recipe: take a crap in a punch bowl. Keep stirring.

9 years ago

khammad wrote, “The whole idea of a flat earth in the general public is so repulsive, so seemingly ignorant, that attaching the word ‘clues’ to it is an attempt to attach crazy to September Clues.”

As usual it’s the cover-up more than the crime, that takes people down. Mark Sargent actually claimed he hadn’t heard of September Clues when choosing to name his videos Flat Earth Clues. LOL, bulls**t! We the fakeologist jury find the defendant GUILTY of the charge of media fakery, your honor, and recommend you throw the book at this LIAR.

9 years ago

Here’s a rule of thumb: anyone who is prepared to show his mug in the “alternative” media for a prolonged length of time and talk about such risqué topics (be it alex jones, james fetzer, judy woods, webster tarpley, noam chomsky, richard gage, etc.) is probably a payed agent of some sort.

9 years ago

Why now? I believe they’re softening the ground for a really big hoax. They need to suppress fakery first. Attaching it to flat earth is an ideal poison.